Eric Prebys |
FNAL Beams Division |
Description of the Fermilab Proton Source |
New Challenges which we face |
Current Diagnostic Tools |
*Injected Energy |
Bunch Shape |
Orbit |
Transverse Beam Profile |
*Coupled Bunch Oscillation Detector |
*Tune Measurement |
*Beam Loss |
Future Tools |
Ramp Monitor |
“stacking” (last 2 years): Proton source provides protons to Main
Injector, where they are accelerated to 120 GeV for antiproton production –
typically 7E15 p/hr max. |
MiniBooNE (last 2 months): 8 GeV protons
delivered directly to neutrino production target – typically 1.5E16 p/hr
max, but baseline is 7 times that!!! |
NUMI (2004?): protons delivered to Main
Injector, which will accelerate them to 120 GeV for neutrino production –
wants at least 5E16 p/hr while MiniBooNE and stacking are running. |
Everything measured in 15 Hz “clicks” |
Minimum Main Injector Ramp = 22 clicks = 1.4 s |
MiniBoone batches “don’t count”. |
Cycle times of interest |
Min. Stack cycle: 1 inj + 22 MI ramp = 23 clicks
= 1.5 s |
Min. NuMI cycle: 6 inj + 22 MI ramp = 28 clicks
= 1.9 s |
Full “Slipstack” cycle (total 11 batches): |
+ 2 capture (6 -> 3)
+ 2 inject
+ 2 capture (2 -> 1)
+ 2 inject
+ 2 capture (2 -> 1)
+ 1 inject
+ 22 M.I. Ramp
39 clicks = 2.6 s |
Maximum number of Protons the Booster can stably
accelerate: 5E12 |
Maximum average Booster rep. Rate: formerly 2.5Hz, currently 2 Hz, soon 7.5
Hz |
(NUMI only) Maximum number of booster batches
the Main Injector can hold: currently 6, possibly go to 11 |
(NUMI only) Minimum Main Injector ramp cycle
time (NUMI only): 1.4s+loading time |
Losses in the Booster: |
Above ground radiation |
Damage and/or activation of tunnel components |
During collider operation (“stack and store”),
fairly long periods of reduced proton source performance could be tolerated
with no significant impact on the physics. |
Proton source has not been a limiting factor in
the Fermilab physics program in a very long time. |
For the new generation of neutrino experiments,
physics is directly related to the total number of protons delivered. |
The only real measure of Proton Source
Performance was the delivered flux.
In particular, |
No measurement of energy or phase of beam going
from Linac to Booster. |
No way to measure Booster tune without dedicated
study time. |
No systematic way of studying losses. |
Resistive Wall Monitor ¾ of the way around the
ring. |
Problem: not yet used in a systematic way. |
System of 48H+48V BPM’s, which can be read out
as a function of time for the whole ring each cycle. |
Beam sweeps over fixed wire as it returns from
injection “bump”. |
Use secondary emission signal vs. time to get
beam profile. |
Use to calibrate IPM (in progress) |
Individual Mode Lines (typically ~80 MHz) mixed
down and monitored through the acceleration cycle. |
Problem: No automated alarm. |
System being redesigned. |
Horizontal plane pinged at 2 ms intervals. |
Do FFT on one of the BPM’s |
For the moment, coupling to vertical plane is
sufficient to measure that too!! |
~ 60 “Tevatron-style” ionization monitors: |
100 second running average now our primary
figure of merit for Booster performance. |
Part of Booster permit system. |
Differential proton loss is measured using
toroids. |
by energy to produce a “Beam Energy Lost”. |
rate in Watts calculated using a 5 minute running average updated every
minute. Part of Booster permit system (current limit 400 W). |
Main worry are the high occupancy areas in the
Booster towers. |
Shielding has been added both in the tunnel and
to the first floor of the Booster towers. |
Offices have been moved to reclassify some
worrisome areas. |
Radiation is monitored by a system of
“chipmunks” positioned around the Booster. |
Part of the Booster permit system. |
Existing Fermilab alarms and limits system works
only with DC values. |
There are several hundred important proton
source measurements which vary over small time scales (usec to msec). |
At present, the only way to monitor these is
either examining them by hand or using discrete samples in the alarms and
limits system. |
-> Usually, problems can only be found
indirectly by looking at performance. E.g. recently it took about a week to
track down a low level RF problem which would have been obvious if we were
looking at the right thing. |
People who should be working to improve Booster
performance spend all their time keeping it running. |
A dedicated task which will loop over all the
ramping devices. |
For each device, it will calculate a running
average curve for each type of Booster cycle (pbar production, MiniBooNE,
etc), and calculate an RMS. |
Deviations from this curve will be logged, and
possibly set alarms. |
It’s envisioned that this program will greatly
aid in debugging problems, and may well migrate to other parts of the
accelerator. |
Proton source performance has become important
after many years of station keeping. |
We have made great progress in the last year or
so in improving and automating diagnostics. |
Much work remains to be done!!! |