Diagnostics in the Fermilab Proton Source (Linac + Booster)


The Fermilab Accelerator Complex

Preac(cellerator) and Linac


Primary Consumers of Protons

Proton Timelines

Summary of Proton Ecomomics

What Limits Total Proton Intensity?

Fundamental Change in Focus

One Year Ago…

Typical Booster Cycle

Injected Energy and Phase

Injected Bunch Shape


Beam Profile: Ionization Profile Monitor

Injected Beam Profile (“Flying Beam”)

Coupled Bunch Detection

Tune Measurement (first time in many years!)

Measured Beam Energy Loss

Tunnel Loss Limits

Differential Loss Monitor Example: Collimators in – Collimators Out

Summary of Booster Limits

Above Ground Radiation

Best Performance + Shielding + BooNE Intensities

Problems with Fast Cycle Time

Ramp Monitor Program

Ramp Monitor Progress
