• 400 MeV Linac H- beam is injected into booster over several (up to 15) “turns”. The ion beam allows one to (negative) beam on top of existing (positive) beam. A set of 4 dogleg magnets steer the beam out and through a stripping foil during injection.
• The main magnets
of the Booster form a 15 Hz
offset resonant circuit , so the Booster field is continuously “ramping”, whether there is beam in the machine or not. Ramped elements limit the average rep rate to somewhat lower.
• From the
Booster, beam can be directed to
• The Main
• MiniBooNE
(switch occurs in the MI-8 transfer line).
• The Radiation
Damage Facility (RDF) – actually, this
is the old main ring transfer line.
• A dump.
• One full booster “batch” sets a fundamental unit of protons throughout the accelerator complex (typ.
4.5E12, max 5E12).
•This is divided amongst 84 53 MHz RF buckets, which sets another fundamental sub-unit (max